Serving southeastern CT and southern RI

Bronson's offers several lines of spas to help you meet any budget. The entry level spas, the Duet, Nordic, & Maax have the same benefits of massage as the higher end models without "all the bells and whistles". This level of spas enables you to enjoy the spa experience of therapeutic warm water and relaxation at a reasonable cost.


Our Luxury Spa line is the higher end line that offers two unique therapy systems and jet styles to customize your personal therapy needs. Standard energy efficient features several patented features, entertainment systems are exclusive features to this spa line.


Click on these links for further info:




Your own private back yard retreat


There are many options and choices available for spas (hot tubs). They satisfy a variety of needs and suit every personality. When purchasing a spa, please consider your personal needs.




Relieves arthritic aches and pains Relieves pain, reduces stress, and helps to fall asleep Relaxes knotted muscles, loosens joints & calms nerves Improves circulation without straining the heart Reduces blood sugar levels


Buying a Spa?


To request additional information and guide about a spa purchase. [Click here]


Rts. 138 & 165 • 129 Beach Pond Rd. • Voluntown, CT 06384 • P: 860-376-0605 • F: 860-376-4337